Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Mac!

I haven’t posted here for a while which means one thing – there isn’t any news to report.  Which is totally awesome.

However - Today is my sister’s 43rd birthday.

That’s right, the sister that I said I have always looked up to, loved and supported no matter what.  (I’m the youngest – so that really could describe any one of my sisters…but this time I’m talking about Mac.)


I called her this morning.  We had a great chat, like we always do – and the topic came around to what she wanted for her birthday.  She directed me to her Facebook page where I found this post (after searching through all the millions of Happy Birthday messages…sheesh!  I had no idea my sister was that popular!):

I'm sure that most of you have noticed that your favorite football teams
have been wearing my favorite color pink! I would like to think that
they were doing it for me and in a way they are! This month is breast
cancer awareness month!
I urge each and every one of you to force your female loved ones to do monthly exams and if they are over 40 to have yearly mammogram! Today is my 43rd birthday and I am so grateful that I'm here to hear all of the "over the hill" jokes! The last 2 years I have been cancer free! I am going to ask one more thing of you all… sometime this month wear PINK and buy something with a pink ribbon on it! Support all the brave women that are fighting this crappy disease!

I had to post this here.  Two reasons – she’s a survivor, and even though my lumpy and lumpy jr. were benign – I am too.  So – I promise this, sis – I will wear Pink, I will buy a Pink Ribbon product, and I will always – ALWAYS support all the brave women that are fighting this crappy disease, as well as those who looked it in the eye and said, NOT ME…NOT THIS TIME…I’m going to SURVIVE this thing…and did.

I love you Mac!  Here’s to at least 43 more awesome years!